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12 Toys Your Kids Will Actually Play With This Christmas

When I was 8, I asked Santa for a Cabbage Patch Kid but he brought me a desk lamp instead.

My six brothers and sisters have equally odd Christmas gift stories -- a funny reminder of how much my mom disliked (and still dislikes) picking out presents every year.

Now that I'm a parent, I've developed a few hang-ups about buying gifts for my own two children. How much is too much? How much is so little it brings to mind the desk lamp disaster of 1985? How much is enough to provide some fun without taking away from why we're celebrating Christmas in the first place?

Instead of buying more toys, my husband Kevin and I like the idea of giving an "experience," like a museum membership or movie tickets. But at 7 and 3, our kids are still a little young to get excited about ripping open a package with a laminated membership card inside.

So we do our best to add to the joy of Christmas morning, scouring thrift stores before buying new. The goal, of course, is to find items we think our children will play with all year long. And yet . . . we've had our share of misses.

Last year, for example, I found a new-in-the-box workbench at the Goodwill I thought my son would love. Roman was thrilled when he unwrapped it, but has played with the little tools about three times since then. A couple of years ago, Kevin found one of those 5-foot wooden dollhouses (with a working elevator -- my childhood dream!) and Eavie could barely reach the top floor so it sat untouched.

I realize, of course, different kids have different interests. But there are toys we've watched our two play with over and over again for years. Here's a rundown of that list. If you have ideas to add, please share them in the comments!

1. PlasmaCar

Our children each have one of these and ride them in the basement all winter long. They're fast, tough to tip over, and quite a workout. Roman got the hang of riding a PlasmaCar when he was 2 years old, my teenage nephews think they're a blast, and my mom even raced one around the basement a time or two. This toy knows no limits!

2. Boogie Board Writing Tablet

I raised an eyebrow when Kevin brought one of these home from the Goodwill -- but my attitude quickly changed as I saw our children play with it for hours on end. Write, draw and scribble, then erase with the push of a button. Want some peace and quiet in the car? You could install one of those windows separating the front seat from the back. Or invest in a Boogie Board.

3. Mr. Sketch Scented Markers

Who remembers these gems from childhood? They are vibrant and durable and beg to be sniffed. Pair with a pad of paper and any child (or adult born in the 80s) will love you forever.

4. Kinetic Sand

I know, I know, toys like sand and Play-Doh make a gigantic mess. I wasn't a fan either, until I plunked this box on the kitchen table and didn't hear from my kids for hours. You might like it too, actually. Playing with Kinetic Sand is slightly reminiscent of a beach vacation (minus the beach or the vacation). And as the package subtly states, "One touch will blow your mind!"

5. Melissa & Doug Water WOW

A no-mess, reusable book that helps with fine motor skills? Sure! Plus, it's only $5 a pop.

6. Play Tent

We inherited two pop-up tents from a friend and bought a couple more for $3 at thrift stores. This is another toy I didn't foresee my kids playing with a lot. I was definitely wrong, as they spend hours and hours crawling around in the tents making up all kinds of crazy scenarios. Entertainment for kids and parents alike!

7. Pinypons

These cute mini-dolls have interchangeable outfits and accessories. And a hotel with chairs that spin around a pole (see green arrows near the bunny below). What more could you ask for? My daughter received this toy last Christmas and it's still her #1 favorite a year later.

8. Melissa & Doug Reusable Sticker Pad

This is another inexpensive toy that kids really get excited about. For those who don't mind seeing fingerprints on every surface of your home, these stickers can also be played with on windows and mirrors.

9. Flarp

It's inappropriate, funny and only $1. Do you enjoy hearing your kids (and spouse) laugh hysterically? Then stick a container of Flarp in their Christmas stockings.

10. VTech KidiJamz Studio

My son was mesmerized by this toy at a neighbor's house. Kids can record and mix music, then play it back with different voice effects. Even if electronic toys make your blood pressure shoot through the roof, you may want to take one for the team here. The amazing customer reviews are further proof of its awesomeness.

11. Jumpin' Monkeys

There aren't many games our whole family can play together at this point, but here's one that provides big laughs and lots of fun for any age. If you want to see Kevin's and my competitive sides come out, all it takes is a miniature catapult and a few plastic monkeys. Game on.

12. Foam Pogo Jumper

We live in a state where it's frigid and snowy for months on end, so I'm always on the lookout for indoor toys that encourage physical activity. This one fits the bill perfectly. Plus, it's appropriate for ages 3-100 and has a 250-pound weight limit. Now you know what I'll be doing all winter!

Here's your chance to weigh in with gifts your children have loved, or toys you know you'll be buying this Christmas!

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